Grad opinions wanted

Hey there grads!

The Varisty is looking for some opinions on some changes they want to implement. If you have a spare second please fill out this survey!

Thanks a bunch!


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3MT schedule

Howdy grads,

The schedule for 3MT is all done and here it is! The event starts at 3pm tomorrow in IB140. Come check out all the work your fellow UTM grads have been doing!Front Back

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Chritmas Partay!!

Hey there grads!

Now that classes are winding down we thought it a good idea to remind you about our annual Christmas party! This year it will be taking place at the Blind Duck Pub on December 8th (This Friday!) starting at 5pm. There will be plenty of activities this year including a Gingerbread house decorating competition, poker tables, a DJ and a charity raffle. Did I also mention there is a free dinner and 2 drink tickets! Entrance is $5 for grad students and postdocs, $10 for guests OR free entry with the donation of a food item.

We hope to see you all there! It’s sure to be a fun time!Christmas poster

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UTM 3 Minute Thesis Competition

Calling all grads and post-docs!

On December 6th the UTM 3 Minute Thesis competition is back! This is a great opportunity to add to your CV and learn about the research going on at UTM. All departments, faculties, and programs are welcome! Basically, each competitor has 3 minutes and one static slide to present their research to the audience and judges. Best of all there are cash prizes to be won (just in time for Christmas)! Be sure to register using the link below by November 29th.  For more information about the competition see the website:

Registration link:

Can’t wait to see what everyone is working on!

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Grad student LinkedIn workshop + headshots

Hey grads!

The LinkedIn for Graduate Students workshop goes down tomorrow from 9-11am in the grad lounge! Where you will learn how to use LinkedIn as a tool to build a great network, and learn how to make a captivating profile.

Additionally, a professional photographer will be available after the workshop to take headshots for your profiles! Email to sign up for a slot.

Hope to see you all there!LinkedIn Workshop for Graduate Students Nov. 23

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Free Halloween Lunch TOMORROW

Calling all grads! Tomorrow aka Halloween UTMAGS will be holding its annual free lunch! This year’s lunch will feature Italian food and drinks, a candy bar and socializing with fellow grad students. It will be taking place in the grad lounge at 12 pm probably until about 1:30.

Hope to see everyone there!
Halloween poster

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BBQ and Orientation

This is a quick reminder to RSVP for a spot at the Orientation and BBQ being held on September 18th in Spiegel Hall (hint hint that’s DV1102)! The orientation portion for new grads is starting at 11 and the BBQ starts at 12. To participate in this awesome event please be sure to RSVP to Anna Reale ( by September 11th!

Orientation & BBQ - Sept. 18, 2017

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UPASS Distribution, Fall 2017

Hi Grads,

UPASS distribution for 2017-18 is on right now until September 8th at the times below. The summer UPASS is valid until Thursday August 31st and the new one kicks in from Friday September 1st.

If you’re a new graduate student, make sure you submit a campus affiliation form because you’ll need to have done that before you collect your UPASS. You can fill one out online or with Anna Reale in DV3200.

The UPASS is not available for MMPA and DIFA students.

UPASS Distribution Schedule

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It’s Gradfest Time!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to make you aware of an event going on downtown for new grads or even returning grads who may be interested!

Social Media-01UTGSU Gradfest
Join us on September 6 from 4-8pm at Gradfest, our Fall Orientation, to kick off the 2017-2018 academic year! If you’re an incoming or returning University of Toronto graduate student, stop by for a free BBQ dinner, to learn more about graduate student specific services on campus, pick up some free swag and play some games with your graduate students’ union.

More information:

Hope to see you all there!

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UTMAGS Annual Summer BBQ (July 11)

Hey there grads come on out to our annual summer BBQ to be held in  on Tuesday, July 11th at 4pm. There will be delicious free food and drink, fun games and socializing to bring our UTM grad community closer together! If you have any questions feel free to email us at  We hope to see you all there!BBQ poster
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