UofT Lib Dub!


My name is Charles Wong, and I’m the director of Public Relations from U of T LipDub. UofT LipDub is a recognized tri-campus student group founded in April 2011. Our goal is to produce a 9-minute long music video of 3000+ students lip-syncing to selected songs. This massive project will hopefully garner millions of hits on youtube and fully capture the UofT school sprit.

We are in the final stages of planning, as filming will take place in mid-September. Right now, our main focus is to get as many students on board with us to come out on the day of and REPRESENT! They can represent not only the school itself, but also the clubs and councils that they are a part of.

I would like to ask for your assistance in helping us spread the word to your club members. This can include putting us on your next newsletter, or any other promotional medium you have. This is as much as your project as it is ours, and so we really want your club members to be fairly represented in the video!

Also, if your club is interested in coming out as a group, please reply with the campus you want to be at, so we can put you at a spot. The filming days are as follows:

***Saturday, September 11 – UTM***
Saturday, September 17 – UTSC
Sunday, September 18 – UTSG

Looking forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to ask any questions, or request promotional material.

Here is our official website: http://www.utlipdub.com/blog/
Check it out!

Charles Wong
U of T lipdub Public Relations

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