President & Academic and Professional Initiatives Director: Areej Al-Dailami
Hi everyone! I’m a PhD student in the biology department, studying insect physiology and endocrinology. Outside the lab, I like to spend my time in nature, explore new places, hang out with family and friends! I’m super excited to join the UTMAGS, getting to know UTM’s graduate student community more, and make friends! Looking forward to taking a part of creating awesome events for our community 🙂

Vice President: Thanh Phung
Hey everyone! I’m a PhD student in the cells and systems biology department, studying the neurobiological basis of sexual behaviour. Aside from lab work, I like to spend my time working out, experimenting with unique food combinations, and watching insect documentaries. I’m excited to be a part of UTMAGS and getting to know UTM’s graduate student community a little bit better!

Co-Social Director: Faisal Halabeya
Hi everyone! I’m a first-year PhD student in experimental biophysics, researching competition in bacterial populations and systems. I’m thrilled to be working with the rest of the executive team, and I look forward to serving as your UTMAGS Treasurer. In my free time I enjoy going on bike rides in my neighbourhood and exploring record stores, libraries, and cafés around town. Please feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested in getting involved, have ideas for new events, or just want to say hi!

Co-Social Director: Jack Cheng
Hello everyone. My name is Jack (he/him) and I am a first-year MSc in Geography student. My research looks at the spatial distribution and human exposure to air pollutants, and whether these pollutants are a risk to health. I’m excited to be the social director this year and host some super fun social events at UTM. Feel free to get in touch with me at any time. Outside of academics I enjoy playing table tennis, piano, soccer and love exploring new places.

Communications Director: Taylor Irvine
Hey! I’m a PhD student in the psychology department, studying the interaction between hormones and behaviour. When I’m not in lab, I like to stay active with yoga, hiking, and running the occasional marathon. I love the idea of building a community of graduate students where we can support each other during our studies. I am eager to bring you all of the exciting news about our upcoming events throughout the year ahead!
Treasurer: Joaquin San Agustin
Hey everyone! I’m Joaquin, a PhD student in the Psychology department studying the epigenetic regulation of social and sexual behaviours. In my free time, I enjoy playing games, hitting the gym, trying new places to eat, and busting out some karaoke. I’m excited to join UTMAGS as the treasurer and look forward to getting to know and support the graduate community!
Graduate Student Union Representative: Rama Edaibis
Join UTMAGS Executive Team today! Send us an email at utmags@utoronto.ca for more information on how to apply.