The Varsity is looking for science writers!

Extra, extra, read alll about it! The Varsity is looking for some grad students to contribute to the Science section of the paper. You would write articles on events, research findings, opinions/debates, science and tech-related startups, and profiles on researchers. If you’re interested you can use this link to volunteer
There are no obligations for the writing but students who contribute 6 articles per year earn the title of Staff Writer
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UTMAGS end of year party!!

UTMAGS year-end party is being held this Thursday from 1-3pm at the Blind Duck pub! Come out for a BBQ lunch, salad, ice cream and a free drink! Hope to see everyone there!!Year end poster

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Upcoming GRC!!

Hey grad students,

The GRC is being held again this year on Monday, April 30th for posters 4-6pm in the IB atrium and Tuesday, May 1st for talks 9am-6pm in IB150. Make sure to seize the opportunity to let the UTM community know what you’re working on and learn a little about other work. There will be cocktails and hors-d’oeuvres during the poster presentations and a dinner with awards following the talks. You will need to register using the following link: (registration links are found on the side of the page)

Poster printing is generously provided by the library if you meet their parameters (parameters can be found attached to our emails). Please email for printing your poster. Oral talks should be 12 minutes and an abstract submission is required for all presentations. Abstracts are due Friday, April 20th by 5pm.
Hope to see you all there!
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Attention grad students! If you’re looking for a way to get involved with grad life here at UTM, UTMAGS is taking nominations for its 2018/19 year. Check your emails for the forms and instructions!

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UTMAGS will be holding another pi day this year on March 14th that starts at 5pm. It will be similar to our fun games night we held in January. We will have board games, pizza, drinks, and a station where you can throw a whipped cream pie in someone’s face for ($2)!

Hope to see everyone there!PiDay_Poster

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** VOTE on the tentative agreement **

Hey grads!

If you haven’t heard it has been agreed that the current tentative agreement will be sent for unit-wide ratification. Over the next few days, you can vote on whether to accept or reject the tentative agreement.

The ratification poll stations and times are on the poster attached below. You will be able to vote until Friday this week on all three campuses. Please bring your T-card for identification.
You can review the summary of the tentative agreement before voting!


Ratifications polls

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UTMAGS Valentine’s lunch

Hey there grads!

The spirit of love is upon us and UTMAGS will be holding another free lunch for grads and postdocs! We will be celebrating Valentine’s day with a taco lunch on February 14th  at 12 pm in the grad lounge. We hope to see everyone there!

UTMAGS ❤Valentines poster

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Humanities and Social studies networking night for all those who are interested! Come out to practice networking and make some contacts!

Humanities and Social Science Career Networking Night Feb. 1, 2018

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For anyone interested in a pharma, biotech or healthcare related career path!

St. George Pharma Fair_Slide

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January Social

Hey UTM grads!

This Thursday is our first social event of 2018. Due to popular demand, we will be hosting a board games night! Food, soft drinks and warm drinks (apple cider, hot chocolate) will be provided. Board games will be available to play, but feel free to bring your own! The event starts at 5:00pm in the Grad Lounge (DV2068B). Hope to see you there!


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